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Columbus Animal Clinic

Columbus veterinary

923 Walnut St
Columbus, TX 78934
Phone: 979-732-5758

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Average Rating for Columbus Animal Clinic: 5 ( reviews)

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Columbus Animal Clinic Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (1 reviews)


Hi,please can you call me at 979-253-9446. I would like to see if you can please send me a 6 month supply of comfortis. I brought a 6 mon supply but I shared then with my sisters little dog Mia. when you call I can give you my credit card number and tell me the cost at that time. Gina is doing very well on her injections. I'll call you when Iam going to run close to being out so I can get a refill . Thank you sooo much - Linda
-Linda Shipley.

Rating: 5

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