Adopt a Hound / Mixed

Hound / Mixed Dog

Essie the Dog needs a home

Essie  is approx 2 yrs old; hound mix (maybe some shepherd.) She is approx 45-50 lbs. She has scars on her body from an obviously horrific life. Everyone who meets her is drawn in by her very sweet, friendly disposition. There were several more dogs on the property where she was, and Essie got along with each and every one of them.  This sweet girl deserves a chance at a good life. Looking to add a great loving dog to your family?  Put in an application today Essie will be here around the 1 of March.

  • Animal: Dog
  • Breed: Hound / Mixed
  • Size: Medium
  • Gender: Female
  • State: Colorado
  • Zip/Postal Code: 80437
As of 2/8/2025 Essie is still available for adoption. Please use the owner information below to confirm that Essie is still available or to adopt. Don't forget to check the other animal shelters near me there are many other pets needing a fur-ever home.

Owner Information

  • Facility: Evergreen Animal Protective League
  • Phone:303-674-6442
  • Email: [email protected]
You can find Essie at Evergreen Animal Protective League

If Essie is not the right pet for your family you can still adopt a pet.

Find other pets for adoption from Evergreen Animal Protective League now.