Adopt a Domestic Short Hair (short coat)

Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Cat

Boots the Cat needs a home

Boots is a sweet, social and kind feline gentleman. He seeks his very own designated person (or family) to devote himself to. He lost his original home due to tragedy (deaths to cancer and suicide), and has been searching for his new home ever since. He'd like you to know that he's a very good listener, and he can sit on your lap for as long as you need. He can also help with crossword puzzles, chores, and keeping you warm at night.

He is diabetic, which requires daily insulin injections, and regular veterinary care. Despite his health issues, he's cheerful and full of love, and will make an excellent companion. Please give Bootsie a chance! You won't regret it!

Please contact Suzi @ 303-910-5250 or [email protected]

FIV & FeLV negative

vaccinations up-to-date

litter box trained

fine with dogs

good with other cats

talented at mouse control

  • Animal: Cat
  • Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)
  • Size: Medium
  • Gender: Male
  • State: Colorado
  • Zip/Postal Code: 80437
As of 2/8/2025 Boots is still available for adoption. Please use the owner information below to confirm that Boots is still available or to adopt. Don't forget to check the other animal shelters near me there are many other pets needing a fur-ever home.

Owner Information

  • Facility: Evergreen Animal Protective League
  • Phone:303-674-6442
  • Email: [email protected]
You can find Boots at Evergreen Animal Protective League

If Boots is not the right pet for your family you can still adopt a pet.

Find other pets for adoption from Evergreen Animal Protective League now.