Adopt a Great Pyrenees / Mixed (medium coat)

Great Pyrenees / Mixed (medium coat) Dog

Buddy-Corona the Dog needs a home

Badly broken leg needs surgery
Broken back leg needs to be set and casted.
Surgery, physical therapy, then time to heal for this boy.

  • Animal: Dog
  • Breed: Great Pyrenees / Mixed (medium coat)
  • Size: Medium
  • Gender: Male
  • State: Colorado
  • Zip/Postal Code: 80831-8074
As of 2/6/2025 Buddy-Corona is still available for adoption. Please use the owner information below to confirm that Buddy-Corona is still available or to adopt. Don't forget to check the other animal shelters near me there are many other pets needing a fur-ever home.

Owner Information

  • Facility: Great Pyrenees Rescue and Sanctuary
  • Phone:719-749-2340
  • Email: [email protected]
You can find Buddy-Corona at Great Pyrenees Rescue and Sanctuary

If Buddy-Corona is not the right pet for your family you can still adopt a pet.

Find other pets for adoption from Great Pyrenees Rescue and Sanctuary now.