Picking Female Cat Names

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When we think of naming our tabby cat we may often be influenced by its physical features: we tend to pick very goofy female cat names especially if it is a baby kitten. Just like with humans, picking a name for the new family member could be tricky, as it is impossible to know anything about the cats personality at first. So all we could do is to be aware of the fact that the name we give to our pet reflects our own personality.

Picking Female Cat Names

For instance, if we choose to name our cat "Butterfly", and then, as it grows, it will prove to be quite aggressive, the name will not suit it as good as it used to when it was a kitten. Therefore, it is indicated that we try to think about this matter deeper and maybe choose female cat names that resemble those of a human or hold some significance to us.

The list of top 10 most popular female cat names chosen by cat lovers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand includes: Tabby, Suzy, Sheba, Pussy, Missy, Mimi, Lisa, Kitty, Isis, Goldie. As we can see, the interesting fact about this list is that most are human names. And this may be the result of the fact that maybe cat lovers consider their pet their best friend or their surrogate child.

Other influential factors in choosing a name are color and, of course, attitude. So we can easily assume that the name Goldie refers to a yellowish cat. Or maybe the fact that a pet lover names his cat Isis may mean that it has the grace of the goddess Isis in Ancient Egypt. Whichever it is, the cat will be loved the same. No matter the breed, the name can be ironic, or funny or just ordinary; either way, your cat will bring a smile on peoples faces and on your face too. If picking female cat names for your kitty has been difficult so far, you will now probably be more courageous doing in, because in the end, it is you that should like it.

Speaking about courage, some probably want their cat's name to stand out. There are so many names such as "Cat" "Kitty", "Cupcake" or "Princess" that completely lack originality. Why not choose something that you can actually relate to or that can bring a smile to people's faces?

For example, you could draw inspiration from TV characters, super heroes or fairytale characters when picking a cats name, the zanier, the better. Of course, not many people have the courage to break the mold, but those who do will surely have a lot of fun (and those around them as well). So, how about "Catwoman"? Or why not name your pretentious feline friend "Paris Hilton"? Or how would you like your cat to be named "Hermione"? Your kids will definitely love it! No matter which way you want to go, it is clear that the options you have for female cat names are limitless - just make sure you think things over before making a choice.

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