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Wecome Home Pet Sanctuary

Roan Mountain Animal Shelter

140 Doe Lane
Roan Mountain, Tennessee 37687
Phone: 423-972-1665
I live in a community where there is a myriad of abandoned, abused, and neglected animals. Many of them are taken to our local shelters that have a very limited amount of space. Unfortunately, many of them are euthanized they day they are received due to lack of space in the shelters. I believe that the surplus of pets is partially due to the fact that the rates for spayingneautering your pet in this area are very high. Why It's Important It is Important to me and others in my community to provide this service for the well being of the animals and families in need in my community. Due to lack of availability or affordability in our area many dogs that cannot find homes are abandoned and become feral, often forming wild dog packs that then for protection reasons must be killed. Another fate the pets here often meet is that of a short shelter life that ends in premature euthenization because the shelters no longer have the room or the funds to keep them. I am trying to provide an alternative to euthenization by starting a sanctuary where I will keep each animal I recive until it can be spayedneautered and rehomed appropriately. The Plan Of Action MY MISSION First I want to explain to anyone out there who is unsure exactly what my sanctuary is about. it is a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives or until an appropriate home can be found for them. The resident animals will be given the opportunity to behave as naturally as possible in a protected environment. What distinguishes sanctuaries including my own from other institutions is the philosophy that the residents come first. Sanctuaries act on behalf of the residents, and the caregivers work under the notion that all animals in the sanctuary human and non-human are of equal importance. ~I would like to start a No-Kill animal sanctuary on my property, to house some of the animals that otherwise would be sentenced to be euthenized. ~I also have only a limited amount of space at the moment though I have goals set for expansion. I want to rehome as many pets as I can, and spread the word about spayingneautering pets. ~ Get information about how to provide my community with information and hopefully get a spayneuter clinic established in the area. ~One of the most important missions of my sanctuary is to educate the public about the importance of spayingneutering their animals and change the way that humans think of, and treat, non-human animals. How Can Others Get Involved Link I am still in the begining stages of my project. I am in great need of donations. I need outdoor keenels, doghouses, food, toys, leashes, collars, food and water bowls,grooming supplies, blankets, fleatick medicine. I need people to sponsor our dogs and cats to be spayedneautered. All donations are greatly appreciated, and remember the greatest donation you can make is a peice of your life to a loving companion. You can contact me for more information by e-mail [email protected].

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