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Tri-State Animal Outreach, Inc.

new cumberland Animal Shelter

P. O. Box 733
new cumberland, West Virginia 26047
Working For A No-Kill Community - this was the phrase heard most often in September 2003 when a group of volunteers met to discuss ways to curb the tide of pet overpopulation in the tri-state area of West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Aware that area shelters are overwhelmed with large numbers of unwanted companion animals—cats and dogs that they are forced to euthanize for lack of good homes—these volunteers decided to form a new humane organization to set up a spay and neuter assistance program for area residents. They chose the name Tri-State Animal Outreach.

On October 20, 2003, the group received its Articles of Incorporation from the State of West Virginia. On January 5, 2004 TSAOR, Inc. was awarded 501c3 status from the Internal Revenue Service.

By June 2004, TSAOR had recruited 3 area veterinarians to participate in the program and began taking applications.

Tri-State Animal Outreach, Inc. is committed to reducing the number of unwanted animals in our community by offering a spay and neuter assistance program targeting those living on low or fixed incomes.

But working for a no kill community means more than that. TSAOR, Inc. advocates a cooperative effort between traditional shelters, limited admission facilities, rescues, humane organizations, animal control officers, and elected officials to reduce the number of homeless, unwanted animals.

With a cooperative effort and a positive attitude, we can move forward as we work for a no kill community.

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