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SJ Ferret Rescue and Sanctuary

gibbsboro Animal Shelter

59 Berlin Road
gibbsboro, New Jersey 08026
Phone: 856-627-8332
If you are interested in ferrets or ferret adoptions for a great pet please click on Miss Chewy. We reside in Gibbsboro with our current furry associates many of which are hoping to be adopted to a "ferret worthy" home. Everything we do for domestic ferrets is in memory of Pierre who never missed an opportunity to cuddle. We try to put the third most popular interactive pet in America together with a great family. The little guy napping in my drawer above is bear and he was one of the greatest of all ferrets but they all are. He has gone to heaven to play under the rainbow bridge and we all here still miss him and since you got down this far if you press on him as a reward I will treat you to pictures of ferrets and other things. He was one of our first rescues and will always remain in our minds and our hearts.

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