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Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society

Belle Chasse Animal Shelter

455 F Edward Hebert Blvd
Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037
Phone: 504-392-1601
Fax: 504-394-1233
Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society PAWS, a no-kill animal shelter, located in Belle Chasse, LA, is dedicated to the humane and loving treatment of stray and homeless animals. PAWS mission is to rescue, shelter and adopt healthy dogs and cats and provide educational and charitable services to pet owners in Plaquemines Parish. As a non-profit organization, PAWS relies on grants and donations from caring individuals, businesses, friends, adoptions and fundraisers. Donations pay for surgery, spayingneutering, vet care, immunizations worming and medicines. Donations also help pay for dogcat food, and special diets for kittenspuppies, and sick animals.

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