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Pet Orphannage, The

logan Animal Shelter

logan, Ohio 43138
Phone: 740-380-3002
The Pet Orphanage, located in Logan, Hocking County, Ohio is a non-profit, no-kill organization. We promote controlling the pet population by sponsoring cat spay and neuter clinics and through education. Homeless animals are brought in, cared for, and given any medical care needed, until they can be adopted. The Pet Orphanage has established an outreach fund which helps assists injured animals in emergancy situations. Currently, The Pet Orphanage is helping spay and nueter dogs for families that are in need of financial assistance. The only requirement to be eligible, is to be a resident of Hocking County and to need assistance paying for the spay/neuter. This program is primarily focusing on large breed dogs. So if you have an adult large breed dog that needs to be spayed/neutered, contact the Pet Orphanage.

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