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Mayfield Graves County Animal Shelter

Mayfield Animal Shelter

500 North 12th St.
Mayfield, Kentucky 42066
Phone: 270-251-0130
Our shelter is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1200 to 500 and Saturday from 1200 to 400. The Shelter is closed on Wednesdays and Sundays. ADOPTING A PET The adoption fee for cats is $100.oo and dogs is $11000. We make every effort to insure that the animals leaving our shelter to join a new family are as healthy as possible. All of our dogs are up to date on shots, have been dewormed, have been heartworm tested if they are old enough and are spayed or neutered prior to adoption. All of our cats are also up to date on shots, have been tested for feline leukemia and FIV if 6 months or older, and are spayed or neutered prior to going to their new home. We hope that the pets adopted from our shelter will live healthy lives and provide many years of pleasure and companionship for their new owners. Our major concern continues to be the large number of unwanted animals in our city and county. We are often asked if we are a no kill shelter and the answer is always No, but we would love to be. The truth is that there are simply more animals than there are homes for them. We grieve for each and every animal that is euthanized in our shelter. Until pet owners take the responsibility to insure that animals do not continue to produce unwanted litters of puppies and kittens, the number of animals will continue to grow much faster that the number of homes available for them. We urge all pet owners to spay or neuter your pets and if you are looking for a pet for your family, please consider saving one from a shelter. SHELTER CHANGES Many changes have taken place at our shelter in the past several years. We have made major renovations to the existing facility and have added twenty-two new kennels for the adult dogs with inside outside access. We now have isolation rooms for dogs and cats coming into the shelter and incoming animals are kept away from the resident animals for observation, evaluation and treatment. We have a Meet and Greet room where potential adopters can visit with the small animals and an outside fenced area to get acquainted with the larger dogs and puppies. We also participate with many rescue organizations across the country in order to give as many dogs and cats as we can a better chance at finding a new home. Each month, we send many pets to rescues in Illinois, New Hampshire, Michigan, and several other areas. We also participate in adoption events at Petsmart in Paducah on the first Saturday of each month, and if there is a 5th Saturday in the month, we will be there that day as well. Working with rescue groups and Petsmart has enabled us to reduce our euthanasia rate significantly and give many pets a better chance at a new life.

Adopt a pet from Mayfield Graves County Animal Shelter

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