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GRIN - Golden Retrievers In Need Rescue

grafton Animal Shelter

P.O. 251
grafton, Ohio 44044
Phone: 216-556-4746
G.R.I.N. was incorporated in 1992 by a group of golden enthusiasts who recognized the need to find good homes for the countless goldens who are euthanized each year for lack of a loving home with a caring family. The number of unwanted pets filling shelters, pounds, and humane societies is staggering, and the fate of these animals is, at best, depressing. The overwhelming fact is that almost 38% of these dogs are purebred. Thankfully, there are many other purebred enthusiasts who also realize the need to aid their own, and they are networking with us in an effort to help alleviate the burden that shelter workers are faced with daily. The efforts of these people working with rescues are most commendable.

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