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Ark-Valley Humane Society, Inc.

buena vista Animal Shelter

P.O. Box 1335
buena vista, Colorado 81211
Phone: 719-395-2737
Income for the Ark-Valley Humane Society is primarily from community sources. Part of our income is from the adoption fees paid when one takes home a new dog or cat. Other sources are the contributions and gifts that come from our many supporters. Over the years, the public has supported our fund-raisers, such as our garage sale, auction and Christmas Gala.

Other income is from county and city sources that we receive when we take in strays brought in by governmental agencies. Also, we apply for and receive grant money from foundations.

Our goal is to become as self-supportive as we can. To that end we have developed a Planned Giving Program. This program is intended to not only supplement the day-to-day operations, but to lay a foundation for long-term animal care, capital development and operational financing by establishing an endowment fund that eventually will underwrite our budget. There are various ways to give and various programs to support, depending upon your needs and wishes.

The Ark-Valley Humane Society has been taking care of dogs and cats for the last few years. It has grown from rather meager beginnings supported by a group of big-hearted founders into an organization that is admired throughout the county and the state. For three consecutive years, the residents of Chaffee County selected the Ark-Valley Humane Society as the best service organization in the county. Ark-Valley Humane Society presently has a staff of three: the shelter manager, the assistant manager and the kennel assistant.They are supported by many volunteers who donate many hours per month, helping the staff with cleaning chores as well as spending individual time with the dogs and cats.

Ark-Valley Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

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