Of course, there are the basic commands of "sit", "stay", "come", "down", and those are very important, yet maybe you should not underestimate the actual benefits of teaching your puppy some cool tricks as well.">

Teaching Your Puppy New Tricks

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Fun Ways Of Teaching Your Puppy New Tricks

Teaching your little friend some new tricks can be a lot of fun if you practice the right approach. We all know that, in any learning process, there cannot just be "all work, no play", so do keep this in mind when trying to teach your puppy some fun tricks.

Of course, there are the basic commands of "sit", "stay", "come", "down", and those are very important, yet maybe you should not underestimate the actual benefits of teaching your puppy some cool tricks as well. It will not only stimulate his mind, but it will also be a great source of fun times and great memories you guys will be creating together.

<b>Teaching Your Puppy New Tricks</b>

Here are some of the fun tricks to try on your puppy:

1. Step back
This could be really useful when trying to get your puppy to not rush out the door, or crowd you during a game and so on. Start with the "stay" command, take a few steps away from him, then turn and face him. Say the command "step back" as you start walking towards him. Keep going until he steps back, and as soon as he does, praise him and offer him a treat.

2. Shake paws
Again, have your puppy sit. Show him a treat, then close it in your hand; give the command "shake" and parade your closed fist before his nose, until he raises his paw and tries to get it. When he does that, pet him, praise him, and give him the treat.

3. Round and round
Have your puppy stand, hold a treat before his nose and tell him to "spin". Pull the treat slowly towards the side of his head and then in a circle around his body so he has to spin to follow it. Once he completes one circle, tell him "good" and offer him the treat.

4. Roll over
Give your puppy the "down" command. Then hold a treat by his nose, pull it toward the shoulder, so he turns his head and follows it. If he does, continue on pulling the treat around his shoulder so that he will lie on his side to keep track of it. Pull the treat all the way around so that he has to roll all the way over to follow it. Once a full roll is done, praise him and give him a treat.

5. Bang... you're dead!
Wondering how to teach your puppy to play dead? First, give the command "lie down", and once he does it, give the command "play dead", hold a treat close to his nose, then pull it over slowly towards his side so that he has to roll over on a side to get it. As soon as he does it, praise him and give him the treat.

These are just few tricks that you can teach your puppy to do, besides the basic commands that are essential to be known before learning any new ones. Spend a most wonderful time with your little furry friend and become a role model team when it comes to fun tricks!

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