Smokers Put Pets at Risk

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Do you smoke? Do you need an incentive to quit? Do you own any pets? Then that beloved pet might be the incentive you need to stop smoking.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have recently discovered that pets, just like humans are affected by second-hand smoke. Cats who live with a smoker are twice as likely to get feline lymphoma than a cat who lives with a non smoker. After five years the rate increases to three times as likely. When there are two smokers in the home, the chances of a cat getting feline lymphoma increases to four times as likely.

Smokers Put Pets at Risk

Dogs living in a smoking household have an incredible 60 percent risk of contracting lung cancer. Long-nosed dogs, such as collies or greyhounds, are twice as likely to develop nasal cancer if they live with a smoker. Pets of all sizes, breeds and ages are affected. Second-hand smoke contributes to a number of other pet illnesses as well. As a smoker exhales, the air is filled with extremely poisonous fumes. A pets eyes can also become irritated due to the smokes effects on the tiny blood vessels found within the eye. Smoke can easily damage the sensitive lungs in a pet. Additionally, the noxious fumes can cause a cold that can lead to more serious, some even life-threatening conditions.

Smoke inhalation irritates an animals throat because animals have a shorter esophagus than humans. Just as smoke affects furniture, rugs, curtains, etc. the smoke also affects a pets living quarters and gets into the pets fur and skin. A cats hair can continuously trap large quantities of smoke particles just like drapery, furniture and clothing. The cat then sniffs and inhales these toxic concentrated particles from his fur while grooming which can lead to lymphoma in the nasal passages and intestines as well as the chest. Some pets are even allergic to smoke. Animals have a very acute sense of smell and the odor of smoke is very offensive to them. Nicotine is a highly toxic chemical to both people and pets. Some pets have even suffered the effects of nicotine poisoning when exposed to high concentrations. If a pet has respiratory allergies such as asthma, the illness is going to be worsened by continuously breathing second hand smoke. Respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, and even a collapsing trachea are the most common possible causes of a chronic cough in canines. The constant irritation eventually causes the trachea to lose its round open shape. It then begins to collapse resulting in increased coughing and irritation, and to an untreatable, intolerable condition usually leading to euthanasia. So the next time you think about lighting up, think of the air that your beloved pet is being forced to breath.

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