Advantage flea control

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As a pet owner, I am sure you would be frustrated to see your pet itching, scratching, and suffering from fleas. If you look into medications, you will see that there are a number of products that can help you fight the war against fleas. Searching and testing all of these products, we found that nothing kills fleas faster than Advantage, which is a topical solution containing imidacloprid. In fact, because Advantage kills fleas so well, it is often referred to as the flea specialist.

<b>Advantage</b> flea control

Advantage should be your weapon of choice for any pet owners in the battle against fleas. Veterinarians and pet owners alike trust Advantage, and in turn have made it the most preferred flea control product in the United States, for one reason being that it kills fleas fast.

Advantage claims that it kills 98-100 percent of fleas within 12 hours (according to the label). One other important feature is that Advantage also kills 100 percent of re-infesting fleas within two hours. Advantage destroys the nerves and muscles of a flea within 10 to 25 minutes, and within the hour, all the fleas on your pet will be dead. Advantage is a topical solution which localizes the lipid layer of skin on your pet where it remains effective even after bathing or repeated water exposure.

Fleas only need to come into contact with Advantage to receive a lethal dose of the product. This means that a flea does not have to bite your pet for Advantage to work. Advantage has also been shown to help reduce hypersensitivity skin disorders, also known as flea allergy dermatitis.

Advantage is used worldwide with more than 150 million doses sold. Advantage is the most proven flea control product available. Advantage is also a gentle product and can be used on puppies as young as seven weeks and kittens as young as eight weeks old.

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