How to Remove Dog Tear Stains

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How to Remove Dog Tear Stains

Dog tear stains are normal in some breeds, the reddish-brown, greasy tear stains that run out of your dog's eyes do not represent a particular danger for its health, but it is important to know why they appear and how you can get rid of them. First of all, long hair in or around the eyes, facial wrinkles, or bulging eyes, all of these can cause tear stains, along with other biological causes, including some ear or eye infections. There are some breeds that are more likely to develop these tear stains, such as bulldogs, mastiffs, and Shar Pei’s, as their deep facial wrinkles are prone to tear staining. And tear stains are also more visible in lighter colored dogs.

Removing dog tear stains with Vinegar-

Tear stains can also be caused due to a pH imbalance, so what you can do is add a little bit of white vinegar into your dog's water (a teaspoon is enough). This will change the pH of the water and, as a result, it will also change your dog's pH. The acidity in vinegar will cut off the chances of a possible bacteria or yeast infection, and so continuing to add white vinegar to your dog's drinking water will reduce or even eliminate the tear stain problems.

Wipe them off

Wipe the tears gently and carefully from the eyes, using a cotton ball soaked into a homemade solution. Mix a solution of 10% hydrogen peroxide with some water, then wipe around the eyes, being very careful not to get any of the solution in the eyes. You can either use this homemade solution, or you can go to a pet shop and ask for a special stain removal product for dogs. There are a lot of them on the market, and you can be sure that there is nothing toxic that can hurt your dog´s eyes. These types of solutions and supplements can offer results in less than 30 days, but pay attention, as each product requires different administration. This is why you should read the warnings and usage sections before applying it on your dog.

Other Remedies

If none of these options work on helping you remove your dog´s tear stains, then you should consider other alternatives, you should also ask your vet to see if they have any recommendations. Some solutions, antibiotics and remedies may function only temporary on your dog. The causes of excessive tearing are many and varied, including genetics, health, diet, high mineral content in your dog´s drinking water. There are even many common dog food ingredients that can cause staining in some pets. Sometimes, a change in your dog´s diet can make a difference and treat the cause of the staining.

All in all, a last try would be to bathe your dog’s face carefully, with clean and filtered water, while keeping the eye area clean by removing the stains only with a cotton ball soaked in distilled water. Give up on the dry food, the common kibbles from the market, and make a change in your dog´s diet. Find a way and start feeding your dog with homemade food, providing a balanced diet with some meat, eggs, oils and other fresh vegetables that can be consumed by your dog.

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