The Friendliest Cat Breeds

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The Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are known for being independent and having a colder personality than dogs, often being nice to their owners only when they need them. But let's be honest, it is a part of their unique loveliness. Not to mention that cats are not all the same. Researchers conducted a study on 129 cats belonging to 14 different breeds and the results actually contradicted cats' bad reputation and led to the drawing of the top friendliest and more affectionate cat breeds. It seems that the first place is occupied by the Sphynx, while at the opposite pole there are mostly cats without pedigree.
Other breeds found in the first places at the top of the list were
Burmese cat
This breed is perfect for a family. Elegant, delicate and tender, the Burmese conquers her owners immediately, with her attitude. She has semi-long hair, blue eyes and a well-calibrated body. Burmese cats are extremely affectionate and devoted to their owners. Kittens may be noisy, but adult cats are actually very quiet. Their temperament is characterized by average level of activity and response; these cats are not too noisy, they are sociable, peaceful and tolerant with children and other animals. They love climbing trees in the garden, but are perfectly adaptable to the life in an apartment as well.
Persian cat
The Persian is also known as the cat of lazy humans, because she is calm and independent, requiring only a little attention from her owners. This breed is considered one of the most loving and affectionate by nature, non-aggressive and silent. Persian cats are friendly, but some tend to be sensitive to noisy kids, animals or environment. They are well-adapted to apartment life.
Siberian cat
Siberian cat breed is one of the most popular in the world and there are good reasons for that. These cats are very friendly and playful with the children and with other animals and resistant to disease. They are quite active, silent, react promptly and do not require much attention. With people outside the family, they are often distrustful, partly because they have a strong sense of ownership over their territory.
Norwegian Forest cat
This breed is great for busy people; Norwegian forest cats are not unhappy being lonely, although they like to stay in your arms when they have the chance. They are playful, very happy if they can go out in a courtyard and climb trees. They also feel good in an apartment, if you give them the necessary space and places to climb and play. They are mostly silent, in normal circumstances.
Ragdoll cat
As its name implies, this cat is known for being very tolerant and docile. Ragdoll is a large feline with a superb long fur and blue eyes. She can become good friends with nice children and is perfect for living in an apartment. These cats are very sociable and enjoy the company of people in general, even outside the family. They are also friendly with other animals and do not like loneliness.

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