Cat Allergies and Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

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Cat allergies and Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds
Allergies. 1 out of every 5 people in the US exhibits some type of allergy symptoms, and out of this statistic 30% of people are allergic to cats and dogs. Usually if a person is allergic to an animal, like cats, the best advice is to stay away from them. If you are allergic then constant and frequent exposure to cats could cause more serious medical conditions such as asthma. But what if you’re allergic but still love cats? Well your best option would be to try to find a breed that is more hypoallergenic, which means they produce far less allergens that other breeds. Now we’re not saying non-allergenic, there’s no such thing, all cats produce secretions which can cause allergies to flare up. But some breeds produce much less and are considered hypoallergenic. Here’s a few examples of some hypoallergenic cat breeds.

Javanese- Lacking an undercoat, this oriental breed translates into less hair and fewer allergens around the house.
Balinese- By producing far fewer Fel D1 proteins than other cat breeds the Balinese is a strong contender for title of “Best Hypoallergenic” cat.
Oriental shorthair- Another oriental breed, these beautiful cats are also low in producing allergens.
Siberian- similar to the Balinese in some respects, this breed of cat is hypoallergenic for very different reasons. They produce far fewer enzymes in their saliva, which can be a major allergen in other breeds.
Devon Rex and Cornish Rex- Both of these breeds shed extremely little fur when compared to other cat breeds.
Sphynx- Perhaps the most common hypoallergenic cat breed of them all is the hairless Sphynx.
Here are some other factors to think about if you are allergic but still wanting a cat-
-Male cats produce more allergens than females.
-Neutered male cats produce less allergens than their intact counterparts.
-Kittens are less allergenic than full grown cats.
Keep in mind that if you are allergic to cats than having a hypoallergenic breed doesn’t automatically mean your life will be hassel-free. You will still need to take precautions and ensure that you minimize your exposure to their allergens. If possible take your cat to the groomer on a regular basis for a bath and blow dry, this will minimize their skin dander and remove unwanted hair that won’t end up on your couch. Also try washing your cats toys, bedding and vacuum the carpet regularly especially where they sleep.

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