Mcdonald's Farm Kennels & Grooming

Silverdale dog boarding

3502 Northwest Half Mile Road
Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone: 360-697-3647

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Average Rating for Mcdonald's Farm Kennels & Grooming: 5 ( reviews)

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Mcdonald's Farm Kennels & Grooming Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (1 reviews)


I have nothing but good things to say about Mcdonalds Farm--I have taken my Westie to them since 1997 when we welcomed Yoshi to our home. They have groomed him beautifully and were always able to "babysit" him even at the last moment. Yoshi is in dog heaven now but we will always love Mcdonalds Kennels
-Judy Coloma.

Rating: 5

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