Dirty Dogs Pet Salon

Cambridge dog boarding

635 Cochran Avenue
Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-435-0605

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Average Rating for Dirty Dogs Pet Salon: 5 ( reviews)

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Dirty Dogs Pet Salon Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (2 reviews)


They do a wonderful job on my Old English Sheep dog Hannah. I have never been disappointed at any time with the way she looks after a trip to the "beauty shop". Hannah hates to have her paws brushed but they take the time to do her paws a little bit at a time until they look great. I have, and would, recommend Dirty Dogs. This is the ONLY place that will groom my dog. Thank you ladies for the wonderful job you do.
-Kim Gombeda.

Rating: 5
handeled jasper very well . he is very shy and u and your staff r the best
-bob crozier.

Rating: 5

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